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Avoid Dangerous Diseases with the Benefits of Almonds

Almonds are one type of bean that has a good taste. Besides the taste, the benefits of almonds can also help ward off various serious diseases. Almonds contain many nutrients, including dietary fiber, unsaturated fat, and several types of B vitamins, and vitamin E. Almonds also contain minerals that are beneficial to the body such as calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc. Reducing the risk of colon cancer. Researchers say, consumption of almonds can reduce the possibility of colon cancer because of the fat content contained in it.
  • Reducing cholesterol. The benefits of foods that suppress cholesterol can be obtained because almonds are rich in vitamin E. Vitamin E as an antioxidant that is able to protect blood cells against damage, while preventing clogged arteries due to cholesterol. A study revealed, almond consumption is closely related to an increase in high density lipoprotein (HDL) or called good cholesterol and suppress levels of low density lipoprotein (LDL) or bad cholesterol.
  • Stabilize blood pressure. People who consumed almonds appeared to have decreased systolic blood pressure, the first number on blood pressure measurements, up to 11 percent.
  • Avoid heart disease. Almonds are one type of nuts that can increase blood fat which is good for the heart. A study that uses almonds as a snack in a particular diet, can reduce risk factors for coronary heart disease.
  • Control blood sugar levels. Research conducted on people with type 2 diabetes revealed that those who consume almonds can reduce medication compared to those who do not consume these nuts. Side effects of drugs to reduce blood sugar levels one of which is to make the wearer often feel hungry, so like to break the rules of the diabetes diet. The suggestion to consume almonds for diabetics apparently helps sufferers feel full longer, so that blood sugar levels are stable, and finally the use of drugs to control blood sugar can be reduced.
  • Helps to lose weight. Despite consuming the same amount of calories, people who adopt a diet supplemented with almonds lose more weight than a high-carbohydrate diet. Body mass index will decrease up to 18% in almond eaters, compared to those who did not consume almonds which only managed to reduce 11%. This means that body fat illustrated by the ratio of height and weight is reduced by about 7 percent for those who consume almonds regularly.

Risk of Allergy

Although it has many benefits, it must be considered the possibility of allergic risk. If you are known to experience an allergy to almonds, then avoid all types of foods that contain almonds. Allergic reactions that arise are very diverse, ranging from symptoms in certain parts of the body such as oral allergic syndrome, to more severe systemic symptoms such as disorders of the digestive system, breathing, and others. For those of you who do not have almonds, can use it as a nutritional source that is beneficial for health. However, limit consumption of almonds by about 28 grams or a handful every day. There are various ways of serving, almonds can be used as a healthy snack eaten raw, baked, or included as a complement to the dish. Almonds can also be processed into oil, flour and milk. Some dangerous diseases can be reduced risk by consuming almonds regularly. If necessary, consult a doctor about possible risks of almonds.


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